Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Integrated Lesson Plan: Research assignment -Exploring a Genome Database

Integrated Lesson Plan

Summarize the Context

1.  Description of Unit - My integrated lesson plan will be designed for a 10th grade biology class in the second half of the school year.  The reason I put the time frame for the lesson later in the school year is because not only does the topic I chose get introduced towards the end of most high school biology curricula, but also because during the first half of the year I would expose students to the different types of technology this lesson incorporates. I would afford students practice earlier in the year with technology.  The lesson and classroom learning activity would be a part of a unit on Heredity and Reproduction, specifically on the topic of genomes.   The aim of this unit is to make evident to students the relationship between DNA, genes, chromosomes, and genomes and to give them a basic understanding of how genetic information is passed through generations.

The lesson would contain a structured webquest Internet research component and a component that requires students to craft a visual and audio multimedia presentation of student findings.  Students will be required to gather information about their organism using several databases from the National Center for Biotechnology Information website, which has entire genomes of thousands of different organisms, including eukaryota, prokaryota, and even viruses.  The lesson will require students to do research on the Internet, to create a multimedia presentation  (including a PPT presentation as well as an audio component synched to their presentation) that addresses the essential question of the unit “How is genetic information passed through generations?”  and contains their research about the genome they investigated.  The students will work in groups to create a wiki through which they will share their work with their peers.  Lastly, students will assess their peers presentations as well as their own presentation using an evaluative rubric.

2.  Student Learning Objectives - The purpose of this specific learning activity will be to have students use a to critically explore and analyze the genome of an organism of their choosing and to relate their research back to the fundamental biological concepts of the unit.  This learning activity supports critical thinking and problem solving skills as well as cooperative learning.  The types of student dispositions or attitudes it would support including visual and audio learners, students that work well independently as well as cooperatively, and students who may be intimidated by speaking publicly (allowing students to podcast their presentations rather then present them live to the class).  This learning activity supports other activities in the unit of study because it shows a practical application of several of the key concepts (DNA structure, structure of a chromosome, what a genome is, why uncoding genomes is important) within the unit.  It demonstrates for students the real world, current application of these concepts in society.

3.  Specific Curriculum Objectives –
This learning activity supports unit objectives and unit Performance Task by allowing students to interact with authentic data and to access large databases.  These types of laboratory experiences are suggested by the NJ World Class Standards website as essential to a high school biology curriculum.  This lesson stresses the fact that science is a practice and forces students to act like scientists. Lastly, this assignment is cumulative in that it highlights the intricate relationship between DNA sequence, protein expression, and gene inheritance and links these concepts to real world application within the field of biotechnology
·      5.3.12.D.1 Genes are segments of DNA molecules located in the chromosome of each cell.  DNA molecules contain information that determines a sequence of amino acids, which result in specific proteins.
o   CPI: Explain the value and potential application of genome projects.
o   Enduring Understandings: There are predictable patterns of inheritance, and the variation that exists within a species is related to its mode of reproduction.
o   Essential Question(s):  How is genetic information passed through generations?

·      8.1.12.F.1 Information accessed through the use of digital tools assists in generating solutions and making decisions.
o   CPI: Select and use specialized databases for advanced research to solve real-world problems.
·      8.1.12.A.3 The use of technology and digital tools requires knowledge and appropriate use of operations and related applications.
o   CPI: Participate in online courses, learning communities, social networks, or virtual worlds and recognize them as resources for lifelong learning.

4. Substance of the Lesson/Activity:

The technology being used includes computer technology – in particular the Internet and a government funded website (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/),  that contains several free databases used by scientists around the world.  Students will also use PowerPoint or Google Docs to create a multimedia presentation that includes audio.  Students may use Garage Band or Audacity to create an audio presentation.  Lastly, students will use Slide Share to synch their presentation with their audio.  Lastly, students will be assigned groups.  Within their groups they will create a group wiki using www. wikispaces.com.  Students will post their multimedia presentations and comment on each other’s work.

As stated previously, having students put biology into practice and perform research using real databases is a great way to enhance their critical thinking and problem solving skills while also having them learn through their own personal experience by doing something. Having students create a wiki and evaluate each other’s work as well as their own will force them to reflect on the assignment, perhaps reinforce or learn new content through viewing the work of their peers, and also will get them to work cooperatively.  Peer to peer instruction and interaction is one of the best ways for students to learn.  Lastly, students are creating something themselves based on a research organism they chose.  This will hopefully keep students engaged in the assignment.  Students will have content requirements for their presentations but will also have space to be creative in their multimedia presentations.  The technological skills students will need to learn or develop would be how to use a database and how to perform an effective search within the database.  Students would also need to know what information they are looking for and how to sift through their search results.  Students would also need to know how to use Power Point, Garage Band/Audacity, how to synch their presentations on slide share, how to create a wiki, and how to post their presentation to that wiki.

5. Activity timeline/procedures:
            This assignment would take 3 full 80-minute block periods to finish.  The first class would be used to lay out the assignment and its requirements entirely.  Students would also mostly complete the webquest research assignment.  Students would explore the database website and look at the list of different organisms to chose from.  Students would be given a handout with explicit instructions for how to get to the website, explore, etc.  Students would be given a set of questions and research topics that they would have to answer within their presentation as well. By the end of the class, students would select an organism and have answered several of the research questions.
            Day 2 would again be in a computer lab and would be finishing up their actual research.  At this point students should have addressed all of their research questions.  This class period students would be creating their presentations.  Students would be given a rubric during this class that states the requirements for the presentation (both audio and visual).  If students have time, they can begin working on the audio component of the assignment.  If unfinished, the audio portion of the assignment must be completed as homework.  The teacher would provide addition computer access time outside of the class period where students could work o the assignment (both before and after school). 
            Day 3 would have students in their wiki groups.   Students would create their wiki and post their completed multimedia presentations to the wiki during the first half of class.  The second half of class, students would be given the teacher’s assessment rubric and would be required to assess their own presentation as well as their peers in their groups using the rubric.  Students final grade will be composed of 50% an average of their peer and self assessment and 50% the teacher’s assessment of the presentation.

6.  Assessment Criteria:
            As previously stated, there will be a project rubric given to students that includes requirements for the web-quest activity and the presentation itself (including the fact that the presentation must include images, must have audio, must be posted appropriately to the wiki, must have all required content, etc.)  The criteria for success include completing all components of the assignment.   Each requirement for the assignment will be represented in the rubric.  Students will also be responsible for accurate content and for answering all research questions/topics.  Students will be assessed within their project based on their group participation as well.  For example, “Did student submit a self assessment as well as an assessment rubric for each of their peers?”
            The students’ grade will be based on the rubric the teacher uses as well as the group evaluation rubrics (same as teacher) that are submitted by the student and the peers within the group.  I will know in several ways that this learning experience has accomplished the learning goals that I set for my students.  Because some of my goals involve students completing an actual task and actually creating something, I will know if they have or have not accomplished this by physically examining their final work.  I will also view individual assignments and evaluate students individual understandings of core concepts based on the content of their presentations.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Matter of Life or Death

The article by Ribble, Bailey, and Ross (2004) about Digital Citizenship had many valuable suggestions for integrating the NETS for teachers into actual practices that teachers can implement daily to teach digital citizenship.  At this historic moment, schools are beginning to teach students valuable technological skills alongside critical thinking and problem solving skills that will surely help students succeed in their future lives.  Exposing students to 21st Century Skills and teaching them to use the technologies themselves is necessary for students that will be entering the future workplace, where this type of literacy and knowledge will surely be a skill.  As educators, we need to reflect on the fact that although students may seem to be more adept at using things like the Internet and smart phones than we ourselves may be, they by no means should be given free reign, nor an unstructured environment in which to use these technologies.

Students need to be made aware of the legal implications of their actions.  These past two weeks of resources has taught me several new things about legal issues that could arise from technology.  I was unaware of many of the copyright issues as well as the fact that an adolescent sending sexts of themselves is actually sending child pornography and makes them a sex offender.  As a teacher, this highlights to me that although the legality of technology may be constantly changing, gray, and difficult to uncover, it is my job as someone who is trying to successfully teach the 21st Century Skills, to sift through and be clear on these issues.  Teaching students technology without the legal and ethical component is like teaching a student to physically drive a car without also teaching them the laws that dictate the rules of driving and what can happen if one is negligent or careless when they drive.  If I teach the use of technology without teaching students about responsible, appropriate use as well as opening their eyes to the other serious issues that can arise from inappropriate use, I believe that I have failed in properly educating them.

The tragic stories of Hope Witsell, Jesse Logan, and the other adolescents who shared their situations on the news shows sadly point out how serious educating students about these issues really is.  In fact, it is a matter of life or death.  Adolescents (and even some adults, for example the mother who created a fake page to harass a teen) are insecure and lack maturity and experience in the world.  I feel that appropriate use, as well as what can result from inappropriate use needs to be exemplified and explicitly laid out for them in as many ways as possible.  The individuals who make these issues explicit should be the ones who are teaching them how to use the technology (teachers!).  Although it is sometimes impossible for schools to control what happens outside their walls, they must make every attempt to educate and prevent these types of situations from happening.  Schools must attack this issue head on by making students aware of these types of tragedies.

  As a former Rutgers alumni, inappropriate technology use has recently made headlines in the tragic suicide of Tyler Clementi, who took his own life after being exposed over a webcam for being a homosexual.   To hear about Tyler's sad story, which I instantly thought of after watching the video clips, click here.  I not only think about how sad Tyler must have been, as well as his friends and family, but I also think about how the individuals who committed the terrible violation must feel.  Although they may not have thought the situation would end up the way it did, they have to live with themselves everyday for their horrible act of cruelty.  Did they ever hear about stories like that of Hope Witsell and Jesse Logan?  Did they know the legal implications of their actions?  Did they understand that their actions would result in the death of a bright, young man with all of the promise in the world?  These types of tragedies can and should be prevented.  Although schools should not be the entire burden of educating children about these types of issues, they are responsible for, as Ribble, Bailey, and Ross (2004) point out, "teaching overall citizenship, to learn to live together with fellow citizens, and above all to learn to obey the law".  For some students, the public education system is the ONLY place where they are exposed to and have the opportunity to learn these important things.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fair huh?

Upon reflecting on my first year teacher, I must say that although I anticipated being extremely busy, I never imagined the amount of time and work that I would spend trying to keep up with and improve upon my own pedagogy.  There are many tasks, deadlines, and obligations that I am currently responsible for that I never considered prior to beginning teaching.  With that said, and with the fact that I am a few credits short of a masters, I can honestly say that I have never even considered copyright infringement nor that my practice in the classroom could be violating federal law. Although I have emphasized the importance of using proper citation and giving credit to other's ideas in my students work, I never thought that what I was doing on an everyday basis could be doing the exact opposite.

I appreciate the articles I read this week as they were definitely eye-opening, while I simultaneously feel burdened by another obligation/consideration. I believe firmly in properly protecting the work of others.  While I immediately reflected upon my own practices over this past year with a critical eye, the concept of fair use eased my mind a bit as I feel that many of my copyright infringement could be defended under the legal defense of fair use.

What is fair use?  According to the video A Fair(y) Use Tale, as well as all three of the other reference articles, fair use allows for the use of copyright materials in small amounts when the materials are being used for educational as well as research based purposes.  With that said, it is important to note that fair use can be used as a legal defense for using a copyrighted material, but is in no way a blanket policy or a right to which every teacher in every scenario can claim.

Fair use deals with specific situations, and is usually handled on a case by case basis, according to Thompson (2005).  All three reference articles highlight the fact that fair use is in no way cut and dry, but rather comes with a certain murkiness that in some cases only can be decided on in a court room.  The basic idea is that teachers may use copyrighted materials, with the understanding that four key factors will be considered prior to using the copyrighted material.  These factors include (1) the purpose of the use, (2) the nature of the work, (3) the amount of work borrowed, and (4) the effect of the use on the market or possible income from that work (Thompson, 2005).  If the use of the work is justifiable in light of these four factors, then it would be acceptable to use the copyrighted material.

Teachers on a daily basis work with materials that are copyrighted.  As an educator, I am glad that fair use exists because it allows educators a way to effectively navigate the strict copyright laws that are currently in place.  Langran et al. (2005) acknowledge that  "we live in a paradoxical age in which copyright terms and controls are increasingly restrictive while it is physically easier than any other time in history to obtain content" (pg. 3).  Overall, I feel it is paramount as an educator to constantly considering these four factors as well as to stay current and knowledgeable on copyright legislation, even if it is confusing and constantly changing.  Johnson and Simpson (2005) point out that standard IV of the NETS says that educators should "model and teach legal and ethical practice related to technology use". Copyright infringement is  a "federal law"(Johnson and Simpson, 2005), and is certainly something that should be honored, respected, and upheld  not only to protect oneself, but also to provide an appropriate example for students. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Technology Integration Matrix Evaluation

I viewed and evaluated the 1-1 access learning activity entitled Collaborative Learning Lesson on the Adaptation Level from the Technology Integration Matrix resource.  By reviewing this activity in lieu of the NETS for Teachers, I feel that the lesson addresses and incorporates multiple standards from the NETS for Teachers in meaningful, creative ways.  It is an impressive assignment that I believe is very successful both in provided students with meaningful work while they incorporate technological tools, as well as addressing the NETS for Teachers.

The learning activity addresses 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity  letters A, B, C, and D because the lesson encourages students to reach out and contact actual poets to create their own lessons (letters B and D), and to create their own mini- lesson using iMovie software to create and illustrate for the class what they believe the poem to be about after doing extensive research (letters A and C).

2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments - I believe that this learning activity clearly addresses letters A-C of this number more or less, although it weakly addresses "C".  "C" requires the lesson to personalize the learning to the needs of diverse learning styles.  Although the lesson allows students to create a video of their choosing, it mainly focusing on visual and audio learners and not so much on kinesthetic and tactile learning styles. I feel that the lesson may not be differentiated enough to address the varying cognitive levels of students.  Perhaps the individual teacher addresses these differences by scaffolding how to research and by spending more time with students that struggle using the appropriate technological tools and/or who struggle with the cognitive demands of deciphering a poem.  A and B are integrated by the fact that the lesson gives students a choice in the poem they choose and the type of research they would like to perform on their laptops.  It also offers them the technological tool of iMovie software, but allows them to design their mini-lesson and video however they choose, as long as it is educational and incorporates the pertinent information.

3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning - This is probably the weakest components of this assignment because the video does not provide enough information, therefore I do not know really how fluent and versed the teacher themself is in the technology.  I imagine that in order for students to use the Internet to communicate with poets and conduct research, as well as to create their own iMovie and mini-lesson to demonstrate their poem, they must have been exposed to and versed in the technology by the teacher.  If this is the case, the assignment addresses letters A-D because the assignment is refined and requires knowledge of several computer programs, how to use to internet, as well as how to create a movie using iMovie.  From this video, it is not clear how the teacher got the students to the level where they were able to comfortable use these technological tools on their own.

4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility - Letters B,C, and D are addressed by this activity because everyone is given a laptop, meaning that the use of technology is equitable and available for all learners (letter B).  The assignment requires students to correspond via email with the actual poets who wrote their poems, meaning that students must be versed in digital etiquette and responsible social interactions (letter C) as well as the fact that students are getting experience working collaboratively and engaging with colleagues (poets) across time and space (letter D).  

5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership - Letter A is clearly a part of this assignment, and although I believe a teacher that created this type of assignment is also continuing to grow professionally and be a part of the educational research community (letters B,C,D) this is not made clear by the video.  Letter A is addressed because the teacher has students contacting outside "experts" (the poets themselves!) and even has brought in one of the poets into the classroom to meet with students.  This is an example of how the teacher incorporated the global learning community into his or her own local learning community (the classroom!).

I feel that over these past few weeks, my own technology integration in the classroom has begun to blossom.  Despite the fact that my school's computer lab is outdated and often causes aggravation for myself and my students because of the speed at which the computers run, I have begun taking my class into the lab more and more. In the beginning, my assignments gave students options as to how they wanted to complete assignments (for example, create a PowerPoint, do a skit, work collaboratively or alone) and I believe my activities existed on the Entry and at times Adoption levels.  Lately, as my own personal use of technology has improved, I believe that my integration is now on the level of Adaptation.

Here is a little anedote to exemplify why I feel I am not adapting technological integration rather than just integrating it on the Entry or Adoption levels.  I currently have a class of seniors that I have given an assignment to where they must create a Google Docs account, conduct real research using peer reviewed scientific sources, and create a PowerPoint and written paper collaboratively with their classmate using the "sharing" function within Google Docs.  Although at first my students groaned and complained about using Google Docs (something no one in the class was familiar with), I showed them some of the ins and outs of the program, showed them how they could easily collaborate with one another and access their work from any computer that has an Internet connection, and in no time I was hearing "cool" and "wow" from several students in the room.  I did also feel that some of my students were groaning and complaining because they were forced to try something new, and when things didn't go smoothly for them the first time around, they wanted to give up.  It is becoming clearer and clearer to me that these types of new experiences with technological tools are EXACTLY what my students need in order to be ready to enter the 21st Century working world.  Students need to accept that new things can be challenging and uncomfortable and that the results they are looking for may not be instant or perfect at first.  The only way to become more comfortable and even "good" at using these new tools is to try, try again!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Teachers Make

As an (future) educator, if you've never heard of Taylor Mali, or even if you have, enjoy!  Mali is an advocate of teachers and of the profession, as he himself spent nine years in the classroom.  He is also one of the most well known poets who has come up through the slam poetry movement.  His words are uplifting, reassuring, and make me smile.

Week 7: Tech Lab 4 - Ms. Mooney can PodCast!


Podcast Powered By Podbean

This article is an abridged version of Watson and Crick's classic 1953 article published in Nature magazine about the structure of DNA.  I imagine I could use this article in several ways through a podcast.  My first idea for an assignment would be to assign a homework or classwork task after teaching students have studied DNA's structure and function.  The article is quite technical and scientific, but also has a lot of information that students learn in Biology class about the structure of DNA (i.e. base pairing rules, double helical structure, purines are hydrogen bonded to pyrimidines, etc.)  Students could listen to the PodCast and list the aspects of DNA's structure that they have learned that are also present in Watson and Crick's piece.  I would listen to the article aloud with my students after they completed to assignment on their own to help scaffold and demonstrate where the things that they have already learned about DNA's structure are present in the paper.

I also could use the article as a writing prompt or opinion piece that gets students thinking about current ethical issues and debates surrounding DNA in today's day and age (i.e. genetic cloning, designer babies, etc.)  In particle, Watson and Crick's line, "It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a copying mechanism for the genetic material," would be a great way to rope students in and get them to think about what Watson and Crick would think of today's biotechnology. 

I find this technology to be really useful and appropriate as well as culturally relevant for  communicating with students.  I could create review sessions that students could easily access from their ipods, and even teaching students to use it to communicate with me or the rest of the class.  This time around, I took advantage of the new version of GarageBand on my mac, and found it really simply to use to create an mp3 and upload it to PodBean.  I did, however, Google a podcast on how to record a podcast on GarageBand and export it as an mp3.  I myself am getting more resourceful.  Overall, this went over well. phewww.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 6: Schools Kill Creativity

I have seen this video several times before, and each time I am still floored by the points Robinson makes.  His criticizes are entirely true and seem almost commonsensical when he points them out, yet I have never considered them in my own reflections both about my current career as well as my own educational experiences.  Perhaps this is because I have become so normalized and accustomed to the ideology surrounding what traditional schooling should be.

"If you're not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original." It is by making mistakes that we learn new things.  By feeling comfortable to step out on a whim and try, we are able to come up with new things.  My boyfriend has a three-year-old at home who likes to "read" books.  I am constantly amazed by her ability to make up the story by looking at the pictures and drawing on what she remembers from having the story read to her in the past.  She "fills in the gaps" as Ken Robinson would say.  I agree that somewhere along the way, this willingness to innovate is lost in children.  I teach 10th and 12th grade, and regularly I experience students' unwillingness to be incorrect, to take a risk, or to make a mistake.

I agree that schools entirely stifle creativity, when they should be cultivating it.  As my prior blog entry points out, creativity is a skill essential for success in the 21st Century workplace.  As Robinson highlights, we value one type of thinking and one way of reasoning in schools, when we for all intents and purposes should be honoring diversity, multi-vocality, and different opinions in the classroom.  There is not one correct to solve a problem, therefore there should not be one way of learning and demonstrating that learning in the classroom.  It blows my mind to think about how many talented individuals have been stripped of their unique talents by the educational system.

I work in a magnet school for the Arts, so I can say that I have seen some of this creativity being celebrated and cultivated within the walls of my school.  However, it is not on the level as it should be.  I believe that teachers need to constantly tap in to their students own interests and what they are good at in order to best educate them.  We have to relate to our students on a personal level in order to determine the best way to help them learn.  In my own classroom, I could definitely take some of what Robinson points out and put it in to better practice.  I think that allowing students to have options in assignments is a good way to do this.  For example, I will give students a set of criteria for an assignment, but then allow them to choose how they would like to demonstrate their understanding.    Some of these options include allowing students to write, to demonstrate through a skit, to make a song or dance, or to give a presentation about the subject matter.

When I went to school, there was one way of learning and demonstrating learning.  That was by sitting, listening and taking notes and then reproducing them on the chapter test.  In today's day and age, where content is instantly accessible at the click of a mouse, it is not entirely necessary nor helpful to know every step in the Kreb's Cycle of photosynthesis or to be able to do long division by hand.  Ken Robinson's challenge to teachers is one that I agree with and hope to honor throughout my career.  Cultivating creativity and ingenuity in our students and supporting them in what it is they are talented at is something that should be at the top of our list.

Week 6: A Philosophical Debate: 21st Century Skills

After reading the articles that shape this debate and mulling over how I feel about education and preparing today's students for the 21st century global workplace, I align my own views with the supporters of teaching 21st Century Skills.  I do not really see both sides of this debate as being in stark opposition to one another.  The critics of 21st Century Skills do not disregard the importance of equipping students with problem solving, communication, and critical thinking skills, nor do the supporters of 21st Century Skills disregard teaching content.  I believe that all authors agree that students today need to graduate high school knowing how to critically think, problem solve, and work collaboratively in order to be successful in the workplace.  The goals are the same. The rub arises in the different pathways that one can take to get to that same end.

Stacy Khadaros' article "Schools Tap 21st Century Skills", Maura Banta's article "The Value of Teaching 21st Century Skills," and Judy Salpeter's article entitled "21st Century Skills: Will Our Students Be Prepared?" all argue a point that I firmly agree based on my own personal experiences as well as in my career as an educator.  That point is that individuals learn best in situ.  I believe, like Stacy Khadaros, that not only do we learn by doing, but that we may learn best by doing.  She makes the point, as do all of the other supports, that learning content within and through the context of "acquiring and acquiring new skills" is truly the best way to master something.

A perfect example would be my own experiences learning to drive a manual car.  The process was explained to me by my father, I had been in a manual car with several drivers in the past, and  I read several articles online about how to drive a stick shift. It wasn't until I was on the road that I really learned to drive a stick.  Only by having the actual pedals under my feet, practicing how to slowly release the clutch and press on the gas pedal, and by staling out a couple thousand times (it was quite comical now that I look back), did I start to figure out how to manipulate the vehicle.  Another point that the supporters argue that I too can demonstrate through my example is that I learned to drive a stick out of necessity; because I had to.  I took a huge interest in learning to drive my car as it was my only means of transportation at the time and it mattered to me and my everyday life. This is the same as having students do meaningful work and solve real problems in the community.  As Judy Salpeter highlights at the end of her article in her anecdote about Marco Torres classroom, students want to learn and be in school when the work is challenging and meaningful to their lives.

Although my article highlights how I learned best in situ, that is not to discredit the knowledge I had to bring with me prior to getting behind the wheel.  As Daniel Willingham points out in the article "Flawed Assumptions Undergird the Program at the Partnership for 21st Century Skills", knowledge and skills cannot be teased out from one another.  It is difficult to critically think and problem solve without having some basic knowledge of the topic.  Diane Ravitch feels that "a great deal of knowledge is necessary before one can begin to reflect on its meaning and look for alternative explanations".  While I do not feel as extreme about content knowledge as Ravitch, I do agree that in order for me to get behind the wheel and learn to drive my manual car, I had to have the basic knowledge not only of how the car worked, but also of the basic rules and laws of driving.  Salpeter argues that "it is possible to learn the simple things in the process of addressing a complex problem."  While in some cases this may be true, in my car driving example, I do not think I would have been able to simultaneously learn the rules of driving alongside and within learning to drive a stick shift.

And so where does that leave my opinion at the end of the day?  I feel that learning by doing is the way to teach content and 21st Century Skills.  Neither should be taught as a monolith.  Rather, the best way to teach the two is in and through the other.  Content should be taught alongside technological literacy and problem solving.  I strongly support integrating 21st Century Skills as I feel not only are they essential for today's student, but they can also serve to rejuvenate and refresh students own curiosity and interest in learning. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 5: Slidecasting

The fact that audio can be linked to a PowerPoint presentation is not something I have ever given thought to, but it makes perfect sense and can allow students to access classroom content asynchronously from home. One way I feel this would be a great tool is to give students review assignments over the weekend to complete in preparation for a test.  Perhaps on Sunday, or the night before students are taking the test, you could make a PowerPoint going over the answers to the review activity so that students will have an opportunity to check their own understandings or misunderstandings before the assessment.  Students who are struggling but do not have time to meet with the teacher prior to the assessment could possibly benefit from this type of review presentation. Also this tool could be used for students who are sick or absent from school so that they could catch up on the material with the rest of the class.  Often when students are out of my class I do not have the time to sit and go through the lesson with them as I did my students whom were in school; its just not feasible due to time constraints.  This type of presentation is an alternative.

Like Mark Isseks points out in his article entitled "How PowerPoint is Killing Education", PowerPoint presentations are in a lot of ways one-sided and do not promote critical thinking or even "thinking at all" on the part of the learner.  Therefore, it is important when making a PowerPoint to make it your own and use it as a teaching resource rather than an encyclopedia of bulleted truths about content.  PowerPoint can be a good teaching tool if it makes its subjects think by asking them questions and engaging them, rather than just having them copy information apathetically.  I think that minimizing an entire topic or content area into a set of bullet points takes all of the creativity, passion, and excitement out of learning something new.

Lastly, I found Don McMillan's comedic sketch about "Life After Death by PowerPoint" entertaining and comedic because I can relate to all of the different PowerPoint criticisms that he mentions in his presentation.  I have sat through a presentation that showed graph, upon graph, upon upside-down graph, and I've been the student struggling to copy down all 500 words on each slide of a cramped, wordy PowerPoint presentation.  McMillan highlights the fact that using technology just to use technology really defeats the purpose.  PowerPoint is supposed to enhance teaching by clearly organizing information and making it accessible to different learners in the class, but when used improperly can be confusing, boring, and excessive.  I believe that teachers need to find the right balance in integrating technology in the classroom, and only use it when it is appropriate and implemented correctly from both a pedagogical as well as a common sense perspective.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week 4: Back to School Night

How awesome is Google docs!  I am really impressed with the user-friendliness of Google docs as well as the fact that it is free.  I keep thinking back to when I was in school and was required to do a group project.  This meant having to find time after school or on the weekend when all group members were free.  To be honest, I avoided working in groups for this very reason.  I am the type of person that likes to do my work on my own time, without having to depend on anyone else.  With Google Docs collaboration is much easier in that group members can edit and complete their collaborative tasks asynchronously.   Also, the fact that the document is automatically saved on your account and can therefore be accessed from any computer is extremely convenient.  

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 3: Task 2 - Technology Standard Evaluation

For my evaluation, I chose the strand 8.1.12.B.1 - "The use of digital tools and media rich resources enhances creativity and the construction of knowledge". ( The New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards)  The cumulative progress indicator (CPI) for this strand says that students will be able to "design and pilot a digital learning game to demonstrate knowledge and skills related to one or more content areas or a real world situation".

The expectation at this point, is that students have already had extensive exposure and experience using different medias and are now at the point where they can actual create their own forms of media.  Students are expected to have already analyzed and critiqued different media as well as have learned the legal and ethical issues that surround the use of that media form.  Creating something, according to the 2001 revised version of Bloom's taxonomy (see link for more info!) is at the top of the cognitive domain.  Students are also expected, based on the 21st Century Skills framework that shaped the technology standards, be able to choose the appropriate media and use it effectively.  The learner is expected to have already analyzed and critiqued different media types,  as well  learned the legal and ethical issues that surround the use of that media form.

In my Biology and Anatomy and Physiology classroom, I am constantly trying to expose, integrate, and implement technology into my own pedagogy as well as into the work of my students.  I do have a Smart Board in my room that I use on a daily basis.  An activity I have brainstormed that aligns itself with this standard would be to have students design a review game for their next test in Anatomy and Physiology (Ch. 5 The Skeletal System).  The students would work collaboratively and use the Smart technology and Smart Board for their game.  Each person in each group would have a designated role, and the group would be responsible as part of the evaluative rubric for dividing the work equally and appropriate, and letting the class know the process by which they made their game.  A part of the rubric would also score the students on their participation and role as a respectful audience member for their peers' presentations.

Students would be given many other media forms to use for the game.  Rather then use computer generated or text book images of skeletons, students could use a digital camera to capture themselves posing as the skeleton or pointing to different bones on their own bodies.  Students could use video to capture different skeletal movements, for example, a dancer (I teach at a High School for the Arts), and integrate it into their review game questions.  Students could create a skit, make a song, etc. and incorporate it into their game.  Although I would leave the specifics of the game, i.e. the format, questions, media types used, etc. I would require them to use at least two different forms of media in their presentation.  I would also give them suggestions, show them examples, and encourage their own personal creativity. 

I am continuously impressed with my students' creativity, and this type of assignment would really showcase their talents and ingenuity.  I believe this type of activity would allow students autonomy and the opportunity to make the assignment their own while also requiring them to engage with the content and the big ideas of the chapter.  Each groups' presentation of their games would serve as a review and study session for the entire class.  Talk about killing two birds with one stone!  The process by which each group creates their game and engages with the technology and other medias improves both their knowledge of the content and their technological literacy.

Week 3: Task 1 - Aligning Pedagogy with Curriculum

As a current teacher, I have had some experience in using the standards designated by the state to guide my pedagogy.  I believe the standards are extremely helpful in that they keep me focused during my lesson planning, providing me with a clear goal for what I want my students to take in terms of content from my lessons, units, etc. By having an end point in mind, I am able to work backwards and really think creatively about how I am going to get my students to that point intellectually while also keeping them motivated and engaged in the classroom.

  Often I hear teachers complain that the standards are limiting and force teachers to teach the same material year after year.  While the content across years does not change significantly (a criticism of mine that I will save for another time!), teaching should change substantially as each year educators have a new set of unique students. By being reflective, trying new ideas, implement new technologies, and improving their own pedagogy over time, the teacher does not have to sacrifice creativity and engaging, student-driven activities in the name of following a set of state standards.

After watching the "Hydrology" video with the teacher from Catalina High School and upon reflecting how I personally feel about the state standards that I am required to use in my lesson planning, I immediately thought of the constructivist theory of learning promoted by John Dewey.  In his famous 1902 work, The Child and the Curriculum, Dewey likens the curriculum to a finished map, and equates the learning process of the child to a mapmaker's arduous journey of trekking through and taking notes on a new, unexplored territory.  Although the map is well organized, structures, and will help others to better navigate their way Dewey warns that "the map is not a substitute for a personal experience".   I agree with Dewey in that although we may have facts or a body of knowledge (i.e. a curriculum, a set of standards) it is the process of exploring, engaging with, and uncovering that body of knowledge that helps students make deep connection.

  At the Catalina school, although the teacher is required to teach Geology, nothing in the standards says that he must have students sit in a classroom and copy notes in a traditional fashion.  Rather, this teacher has students activitely engage with the content in ways that are meaningful to them because they are actually dealing with actual issues that are a part of their lives and their school.   By having students partake in real, meaningful activities, not only is the teacher showing the students that he has high standards and believes that the kids are capable, but he is also following the guidelines and standards set by the state to which he must ascribe.  Students are excited about their own learning and about getting involved in their own communities.

I would love to teach science in Catalina High School and the video has sparked new ideas in my head about how I can implement some of the teaching styles that this teacher uses into my own classroom.  What was most refreshing about this school is that it seems to value making connections between content areas and stresses how disciplines are interrelated, for example geology, mathematics, data analysis, etc.  No content area exists in a box seperate from the rest of the world's knowledge, yet we teach it as if it is so.  In order to prepare students to be more equipped for the world they will be living in, it is essential that they make connections and link information to other information.

Personally, I find the standards helpful in that they keep me guided and on track as a practitioner. It is a way for me to be sure that the activities and components to my lesson are aligned with the underlying big idea I am trying to teach.  My issue arises with the excessive testing that is not only mandated by the state but also seems to plague my district.  Testing students via a traditional, chapter test is only one way of assessing their knowledge and only certain students skilled at taking these types of tests are able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week 2: Webpage Evaluation

After reading the resources provided to us, in particular the article "Why in the World Wide Web" by Jamie McKenzie, I decided to evaluate my own district website (Newark Public Schools), as I am currently a first year teacher at Arts High School. After reading the article and spending some time exploring the website, I was quite impressed with the wealth of information available at the click of a mouse, including full textbooks, novels, search engines and data bases, and even a way for parents and teachers to log in to the digital grade book to view grades and assignments for students. The website is user friendly, all of the links I clicked on worked quickly and properly, and the site was easy to navigate.

Although I regularly frequent the district's website, I was amazed to see how much information and resources were available via the site as well as to think about the time and care that was put in to designing such a website. I was able to locate my schools web page, as well as email addresses and contact information for all teachers in the school, including myself! Despite the fact that I mainly frequent the website for pragmatic purposes, including checking my district email and logging in to my grade book from home, if I was a parent, I would find the site quite useful. From the site, one can navigate to specific teacher's e Boards where assignments, syllabus, calendars, etc. can be posted and modified continuously. These e Boards allow parents a way to access and monitor their students assignments, grades, upcoming events, etc. from where ever they are, even if they are away on business, live far from their children, etc. My one issue comes with the fact that Newark is an urban district where many families still do not have access to computers, therefore are unable to take advantage of this well designed, practical website. This issue one of my fundamental qualms with technology. It is, in fact, not democratic in that certain individuals, depending on their socioeconomic status and class, do not have the same access as others. (Curious about this topic? check out this article on the digital divide in America.) Nonetheless, the fact that this information is available 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world makes the website extremely valuable.

The district site also showcases different schools achievements, awards, and student work. It also is visually pleasing and includes images of students. For parents, the site provides digital copies of important documents, links to parent groups, advisory boards, etc. The amount of information and resources available for parents, students, and teachers alike is quite remarkable. I believe that this exploration of my own school districts website was fruitful in that it opened my eyes to ways in which a website can be extremely useful in organizing information and making it available to all those who are requesting information, including teachers, students, and parents/guardians.

Week I: Introduction

My own personal feelings about technology have changed at a rate comparable to the shifting nature of technology itself. Although the Internet became accessible to all at a time when I was still a high school student, initially I viewed it predominantly as a means of communication and way of keeping in touch with my friends whereas now I use the Internet predominantly as a means of locating information. To be honest, at the start of my graduate career at MSU working towards my MAT (I am now in my final semester!), if I was told I would have to take a course entitled "Technology Integration in the Classroom" I probably would have shuddered. I consider myself to be old school. I like having actual hard copies of texts in front of me when I read and I much prefer a pen and paper over a word processor when brainstorming and beginning to write a paper.

Although I am comfortable using PowerPoint to deliver lectures in my classroom and word processing for designing worksheets, activities, etc., I still feel a bit of anxiety about integrating the latest technologies into my pedagogy (i.e. wikis, blogs, etc.) One of the things I have realized, though, is that technology is a good thing only when it is used logically and appropriately. It is silly to force the use of computers when a pen and paper is more appropriate, or to force the latest technologies in the classroom when they are not helpful or meaningful for students. Perhaps just as useful a bit of advice that I have learned through direct experience is that the use of technology needs to be practiced and rehearsed prior to having the students use it. This helps to save time and clear up any problems before they arise. Nonetheless, when dealing with technology I have also learned that problems may occur.

This brings me to the article "Four takes on Technology". When things do go wrong in my classroom in terms of implementing technology, I often turn to my students for help. Nine times out of ten, my students help me to fix the problem almost immediately, and I am constantly learning how to better implement technology as well as about how to use the latest technologies from my students. The article encourages this type of interaction and learning situation, which I have directly experienced and definitely learned and benefited from in many ways.

Lastly, the youtube video reminded me of a set of videos I have seen entitled "Shift Happens" which stress the importance not only of how quickly the world is changing, growing, and advancing, but also about how necessary it is for educators to prepare students appropriately for these changing times and equip them with the tools to be literate and competitive in such a world. Whether I resist it or not, the reality is that technology is the way of the world and the future. Hopefully, by the end of this course I will be comfortable enough and willing enough to take some risks and to embrace these changing technological times rather then resist them.